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I used to view performances as a product of discipline, hard work, and current physiology. And I could look at a results page and times and glean information solely from numbers and places. A simple view that portrays some sort of tangible metric that can be applied to anyone and everyone. Something that allows people make sense of it all, a measure of worth. As a 4:01 miles holds a fraction of worth than a 3:59. But this is a trap that does not account for talent or execution or soul. I have come to learn that how you run a race is more important than the final tangible “result”. Obviously, talent is a huge piece of the puzzle that can directly influence the results and outcomes of a race. However, we are unable to measure the passion and the soul of an individual. Such vital variables that are more important than ones God given talent or preparation that may or may not be present prior to race day. And someone that has a healthy soul can translate that energy directly to the challenge ahead. This subset of the population has the ability to tap into this mysterious reserve of love and gratitude and hate and pain and turn it into something beautiful, not dissimilar to art. To find limits for this unexplained phenomenon is equally if not more important than one’s VO2 max or form or lactate thresholds or any other measurable factor. And the people that can metabolize this unknown form of energy disregard expectations and recognition and approval for their reasons are entirely different than someone that cares about these toxic ideologies. Their reasons are to test limits and passionately perform at a higher level. They do not care about sponsorships and gear. They do not care about what their friends and family think. They are doing it for their own personal and unique reasons. Regardless of their talent without second thought of any type of tangible result. A different and rare breed that more often than not, have a free soul and don’t believe in materialistic things. And all of them are destined for greatness because they are not limited by the opinion of others. They are Free.

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