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Last week I ran the most miles I ever have within a week's timeline. I pushed past arbitrary and ubiquitous marks that are widely accepted as rational or even conventional training. I did "long runs" everyday ad threw caution into the wind. I explored wild places that simultaneously scared me and filled me with life. The uncertainty of conditions and wildlife at every turn reminded me of my mere mortal existence on this Earth. And the canyons sweeping below and mountain peaks in the high country filled my soul and broke my heart for I know that this piece of art I stand is millions of years in the making. And as I rambled around the cliffs and the rivers, I know that I am far from the first to see this land, and far from the last. Last week was Ultimate Freedom and I wanted to revel in that sensation that has become an extreme rarity. As each mile slipped by and began to accumulate in the cells of my being, I knew I was exactly where I was meant to be. I was undertaking a personal challenge to push limits and disregard personal preconceptions. I was there to live in immoderation and to Live Life to the Fullest. My sanity was questioned as prior truths turned out to be lies and new personal limits were rearranged. Certainly, our culture's affinity to comfort has shaped and molded what we deem as mediocrity. That disgusts me. Lazy people with dull lives, working a 9-5 to pay for "things" that are truly unnecessary. An ugly cycle that fuels the rich which further diminishes the power of the common people. Oh how I rage against the comically disillusioned concepts that modern society holds dear. And I strapped up my shoes every day and ran, I ran to get away, to test limits, to search for the forever lost truths of the world. And I ran to rage against my personal moderation that is so easy to fall victim to. What a disservice to burn a candle at one end. A complete and utter tragedy to have some speckle of talent and not pursue True Potential. A version of oneself that rides the line of insanity and immortality. No one remembers the ones that played it safe. So throw caution to the wind, run from that comfort, and seek Ultimate Freedom, based on Truth and not Lies.

I ran 121 miles, 21,700ft, and 20 hours last week.

My week of Enlightenment.

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